July 16, 2011

Narrow Table (One of Many)

G is obsessed with wood. Especially old, second-hand, thick wood planks from resellers who salvage them from demolished old houses. Not only do they have much more character, buying second-hand w saves trees and money! Since most old houses used hardwood, they've already done most of their expansion over the years, and these days, most wood are no longer manufactured in thick cuts.

The lot our house stands on used to have, what seemed to me, a house built in the '60s (but I'm no expert in design trends so even I wouldn't take my word for it), and a lot of the wood from the floor, doors, and jambs were saved after demolition. This is the wood G reuses to make furniture for the house--he designs and finishes them. I guess it's therapeutic for him, but for me, I'll gladly have his work around the house because I think they're gorj and handiwork like his with the material he uses would cost a fortune if we bought it elsewhere.

I especially love this long table he made for our hallway.

On it is an old sewing machine my mom gave to us that G turned into a lamp, and two iron door knockers we bought from Florence. 

I love old things.

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